Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Results from the 2016 Connecticut History Day State Contest

New Britain - Over 400 middle- and high-school students took part in the 2016 Connecticut History Day State Contest this past Saturday at Central Connecticut State University. Students who previously finished in the top three at one of Connecticut’s six Regional Contests were eligible to participate in this annual contest, where eighty one Connecticut schools were represented. The student historians who placed first or second within their category at the State Contest are now eligible to represent the state at the National History Day® Contest taking place at the University of Maryland in June.
Results from the CHD State Contest can be viewed here.
CHD students spend months researching historical topics of their own choice related to this year’s national theme of Exploration, Encounter, Exchange in History. The students, who choose to work alone or in a group, present their projects in one of five categories: Paper, Documentary, Exhibit, Website, or Performance. The projects were presented to teams of volunteer judges, who chose the top three projects in each category. First and second place finishers will advance to the National Contest.  Additionally, over twenty Special Prizes, sponsored by numerous museums and non-profit organizations from across the state were presented to students.
Connecticut History Day is led by Connecticut’s Old State House in downtown Hartford, with support from the Connecticut League of History Organizations and Connecticut Humanities’ website,  Major funding for CHD is provided by Connecticut Humanities. You can learn more about Connecticut History Day by visiting the program’s website,, and by following CHD on Facebook and Twitter. The National History Day® website may be viewed at

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