Monday, November 16, 2015

East Harford Student Named Connecticut’s Kid Governor: Elena Tipton of Dr. Thomas S. O’Connell School is First Connecticut’s Kid Governor

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For Immediate Release
November 16, 2015
Contact: Chris Zaccaro
(86) 246-1553 ext. 116

Hartford, CT – Elena Tipton, a fifth grader at Dr. Thomas S. O’Connell School in East Hartford, was elected as the first Connecticut Kid Governor after a statewide election in which hundreds of fifth graders from across the state participated. The announcement of Tipton’s victory took place during a school-wide assembly on Friday, November 13 with her classmates, teachers and family in attendance. Representatives from Connecticut’s Old State House, which created and ran the Connecticut’s Kid Governor pilot program for the first time this year, were also on hand to deliver the news and present Tipton with her Certificate of Recognition as Connecticut’s Kid Governor.

Students across the state were nominated by their classes to run for Connecticut’s Kid Governor. Candidates were required to submit a campaign video about a community issue important to them as well as a 3-point plan designed to help other students take action on the issue. The top 7 candidates continued on to the statewide election and their videos were posted online for Connecticut fifth grade classes to watch before casting their ballots.

Tipton’s “Campaign for Kindness” won the vote, securing her position as the first ever Connecticut’s Kid Governor. She outlined a 3-point plan of action that included making the 13th of each month “Kindness Day”, bringing “buddy benches” to 10 schools, and listening to Connecticut students to find out great things that are happening at their schools so they can be recognized and celebrated as awesome kids. Tipton also proposed the creation of a public online blog, where students from other schools can share their acts of kindness. During her year-long term as Connecticut’s Kid Governor, she will have the opportunity to take part in programs at Connecticut’s Old State House and encourage students across the state to take action on her campaign issue. A formal inauguration will take place at Connecticut’s Old State House in downtown Hartford in January.

 To learn more about Connecticut’s Kid Governor, view the final seven candidates’ campaign videos or watch the announcement of Tipton’s victory, visit the pilot program’s website at Information about Connecticut’s Old State House and its other school programs can be found at


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