Thursday, May 28, 2015

A Conversation with Helen Higgins: Preservation Powerhouse - Tuesday, June 16 at Noon

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For Immediate Release
May 28, 2015
Contact: Chris Zaccaro
(860) 246-1553 ext. 116

With a history that goes back centuries, it’s not uncommon to stumble upon a historic district or building as you travel through Connecticut’s villages, towns and cities. Thanks to the efforts of preservation groups, those residing in or visiting Connecticut can admire the buildings and sites that were also enjoyed by those who came well before us, including Connecticut’s Old State House.

On Tuesday, June 16, Old State House visitors can join a conversation on why preserving our history, particularly our buildings, is so important. Helen Higgins, the retiring Executive Director of the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation, will join the Connecticut Network’s (CT-N) Diane Smith for a one-on-one interview as Connecticut’s Old State House hosts another engaging installment of Conversations at Noon.
During her years at the helm of the Trust, Higgins provided technical preservation assistance to communities, developed a wide-range of grant programs for saving and securing our past, and surveyed projects that recognized historic resources – including barns, industrial sites and locations associated with 20th century artists and writers.  Higgins will discuss the Trust’s evolution into an important voice for Connecticut’s historic buildings, landscapes and communities, while also reflecting on her personal experiences after an impressive 18-year career of saving buildings comes to a close.
This program is free and open to the public. Attendees are encouraged to bring their lunch and enjoy the conversation.

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