Wednesday, June 7, 2017

2017 Connecticut’s Kid Governor Jessica Brocksom to Promote “Heat Kills” Program: Thursday, June 8 at 4:15 p.m. at John F. Kennedy School in Milford

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Milford – On Thursday, June 8 at 4:15 p.m. 2017 Connecticut’s Kid GovernorSM (CKG) Jessica Brocksom will join State Representatives Pam Staneski (R-119), Charlie Ferraro (R-117) & Kim Rose (D-118), Milford Mayor Ben Blake, Milford Animal Control Officer Scott Ellingson, and Milford City Clerk Joanne Rohrig at her school, JFK School in Milford, to kick off a city-wide “Heat Kills” awareness program.

“Heat Kills” is designed to remind people about the dangers of leaving dogs and other domestic animals in cars during the warmer months. Promoting this program falls in line with CKG Brocksom’s platform Helping Animals, Those Without a Voice – a platform that she has been promoting throughout the state since her inauguration as CKG in January. Last November Brocksom was elected as the 2017 Connecticut’s Kid Governor by the state’s fifth graders after running a successful campaign promoting the humane treatment of animals.
Connecticut’s Kid Governor (CKG) is a national award-winning statewide civics program created by the Connecticut Public Affairs Network (CPAN). CKG is sponsored by the Connecticut Council for the Social Studies and the Connecticut State Department of Education. The free program teaches fifth graders across the state about government, elections, and the importance of civics engagement through a real-life election that’s timed to coincide with Election Day in November. Winner of a 2016 Leadership in History Award from the American Association for State and Local History (AASLH), the Connecticut’s Kid Governor program inspires students to be lifelong agents of change, active participants in our government, and registered voters when they turn 18. For more information on CKG - both the program and the student - follow Connecticut’s Kid Governor on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram or visit the program’s website at

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