Monday, March 30, 2015

250 Students Compete at Annual History Day Regional Contest in Manchester: Finalists Move on to Connecticut State Contest on May 9 at CCSU

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Manchester, CT This past Saturday, March 28, 2015, over 250 students representing the communities of Bloomfield, Broad Brook, Coventry, Cromwell, Ellington, Enfield, Granby, Manchester, Portland, Putnam, South Windsor, Stafford Springs, Windsor Locks and Vernon  presented their History Day projects to judges at the Manchester Regional History Day in Connecticut Contest at Manchester High School.

State Representatives Kelly Luxenberg and Mark Tweedie presented awards to students who placed within the top three of their respective categories at an Award Ceremony that took place at the end of the day.

History Day participants can choose to present their projects, which must be based on this year’s theme of Leadership and Legacy in History, within one of the five History Day categories. These categories include exhibits, documentaries, websites, papers and performances. Students in grades 6-8 compete within the Junior Division and students in grades 9-12 compete within the Senior Division. Students who place in the top three in their respective categories and divisions are invited to compete in the State History Day Contest, which will take place on May 9, 2015 at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain. The final results from the History Day in Connecticut Regional Contest can be viewed here.

The following schools took part in the Manchester Regional Contest:
Vernon Center Middle School, Vernon
JFK Middle School, Enfield
Portland Middle School, Portland
Metropolitan Learning Center, Bloomfield
Cromwell High School, Cromwell
Timothy Edwards Middle School, South Windsor
Granby Memorial Middle School, Granby
St. Edward School, Stafford Springs
Putnam Science Academy, Putnam
Ellington High School, Ellington
East Windsor Middle School, Broad Brook
Manchester High School, Manchester
Coventry High School, Coventry

History Day in Connecticut is an affiliate program of the renowned academic program, National History Day (NHD).  History Day in Connecticut is led by Connecticut’s Old State House. Support comes from the Connecticut Historical Society, the Connecticut League of History Organizations and  Major funding is provided by Connecticut Humanities.  For more information, contact History Day in Connecticut State Coordinator Rebecca Taber-Conover at 860-522-6766, ext. 11 or

Learn more about History Day in Connecticut by visiting its webpage, liking the program on Facebook, or following on Twitter.  The National History Day website may be viewed at


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