Thursday, June 12, 2014

Two Connecticut Teachers Named Patricia Behring Teacher of the Year Award Recipients by National History Day

Two Connecticut Teachers Named Patricia Behring Teacher of the Year Award Recipients by National History Day

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For Immediate Release
June 12, 2014
Contact: Chris Zaccaro
(860) 246-1553, ext. 116
Hartford, CT – History Day in Connecticut, an affiliate of National History Day (NHD), is proud to announce that two Connecticut teachers have been honored as recipients of the Patricia Behring Teacher of the Year Award by NHD. Jennifer Hunt, a teacher at Sedgwick Middle School in West Hartford, and D. Claude Morest, a teacher at the Academy of Information Technology and Engineering in Stamford, were both selected as the two state winners for Connecticut.
“National History Day firmly believes that quality teachers are the best educational tools that students have,” said NHD Executive Director Cathy Gorn. “The history teachers selected as Behring Award recipients are a credit to their discipline, and exemplify what it takes to truly be a quality educator.” 
Patricia Behring Teacher of the Year Award winners are NHD participating teachers who have shown outstanding creativity, commitment and inspiration in developing student interest in the field of History. Each winner is awarded $500 and becomes eligible for the National Patricia Behring Teacher of the Year Award. Two national winners will be announced during the NHD Awards Ceremony at the University of Maryland on Thursday, June 19.
“The NHD structure gives me a foundation on which to enhance student learning,” said Behring Award Winner Jennifer Hunt. “The process offers three crucial ingredients for intellectual engagement. Choice of topics allows personal empowerment, depth of knowledge from primary and secondary sources provide an opportunity for substantive analysis and the breadth of topics that relate to the same theme illustrates the interconnectedness of humans and the importance of studying history.”
“This is a thoughtful recognition of the teachers who put in an extra effort to educate their students beyond the normal expectation level,” said Behring Award Winner D. Claude Morest. “As one of those teachers, I am glad that NHD has recognized my hard work. This honor motivates me to continue going above and beyond the call in teaching my students how to conduct historical research and write papers.”
What’s Up Next for History Day in Connecticut?
The 2014 History Day in Connecticut Delegation will be traveling to the National Contest at the University of Maryland, which will be held June 15-19. While there, the students will not only participate in the contest but also take a tour of Washington, D.C. and meet with U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy. The Awards Ceremony will be taking place on the morning of Thursday, June 19 from 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. The History Channel will be live-streaming the ceremony on its website,
History Day in Connecticut is an affiliate program of the renowned academic program, National History Day (NHD). History Day in Connecticut is led by Connecticut’s Old State House with support from the Connecticut Historical Society, the Connecticut League of History Organizations and Major funding provided by Connecticut Humanities. For more information on History Day in Connecticut, contact State Coordinator Rebecca Taber-Conover at 860-522-6766, ext. 11 or
Learn more about History Day in Connecticut by visiting our webpage or liking us on Facebook. The National History Day website may be viewed at


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